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Blog Entries posted by Hev

  1. Hev

    Human Design
    In the Human Design system, Authority refers to our unique decision-making strategy. It's a built-in mechanism that guides us to make decisions that are in alignment with our true nature. Understanding and following our Authority can lead to less resistance and more flow in life.
    There are seven types of Authority in Human Design: Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego Manifested, Ego Projected, Self-Projected, and None (Mental Projector). Let's explore each of these in detail.
    Emotional Authority
    People with Emotional Authority are designed to make decisions after allowing their emotional wave to pass. This doesn't mean waiting until there are no emotions, but rather, waiting for emotional clarity. By observing their emotional wave – the highs, lows, and neutral points – they can reach a decision that feels right for them.
    Sacral Authority
    Sacral Authority is about following your gut responses in the moment. This is common in Generators and Manifesting Generators. The Sacral Center communicates through visceral sensations or gut feelings, which can be interpreted as a "yes" (an attraction or pull towards something) or a "no" (a repulsion or lack of energy towards something).
    Splenic Authority
    Those with Splenic Authority make decisions based on spontaneous intuition. The Spleen Center communicates through subtle, in-the-moment intuitive hits, often felt as a sense of safety or unease. This Authority requires trust in one's intuitive feelings and acting upon them in the moment.
    Ego Manifested Authority
    Individuals with Ego Manifested Authority make decisions based on what they want and what is practical. The Ego Center, or Heart Center, communicates through willpower and desire. This is a rare Authority, found only in specific Manifestors.
    Ego Projected Authority
    With Ego Projected Authority, decisions are made based on what will prove to be trustworthy and beneficial in the long run. It's about making promises and commitments carefully. This is a rare Authority, found only in specific Projectors.
    Self-Projected Authority
    Those with Self-Projected Authority make decisions by verbally processing their thoughts and feelings. The G Center, or Self Center, communicates through identity and direction. This Authority, found in certain Projectors, is about listening to one's own voice and noticing how it feels to talk about different options.
    None (Mental Projector Authority)
    Mental Projectors don't have an inner Authority; instead, they rely on their environment and other people to make decisions. They benefit from discussing options with others and observing how it feels to talk about them. Through this process, they can arrive at decisions that are correct for them.
    The Role of Authority in Decision-Making
    Understanding your Authority can profoundly influence your decision-making process. Rather than being swayed by external influences or mental pressure, you can tune into your internal guidance system. This can lead to decisions that are more in alignment with your true self, resulting in a life of less resistance and more authenticity.
    Remember, it's not about good or bad decisions, but rather about decisions that are correct for you. By following your Authority, you're honoring your unique design and making choices that support your journey in life.
  2. Hev

    Human Design
    As we conclude this brief exploration of Human Design, I hope you've gained insights into this intricate system and how it can serve as a roadmap for understanding yourself and navigating life. But remember, the true value of Human Design is not just in understanding it – it's in living it.
    The Journey of Experimentation
    Living your design is a process of experimentation. It's about applying the insights from your Human Design chart to your everyday life and observing the results. This could mean following your decision-making strategy, honoring your unique energy dynamics, or embracing your role according to your Profile.
    This process of experimentation is a journey, not a destination. It's about ongoing learning and growth, about becoming more aware of yourself and aligning more closely with your authentic self. It might not always be easy – in fact, it can sometimes be challenging as you come up against conditioning or societal expectations. But the rewards – in terms of authenticity, ease, and fulfillment – are well worth it.
    Story: Living Your Design
    Consider Lisa, a Reflector we mentioned in the previous section. After learning about her design, Lisa started waiting for a full lunar cycle before making major decisions. She noticed that this gave her the clarity and perspective she often lacked when she rushed decisions. She also made changes to her environment, surrounding herself with positive influences and reducing exposure to negativity.
    Lisa also started sharing her design with close friends and family, explaining her need for reflection time and her sensitivity to the environment. This led to more understanding and support from her loved ones. Over time, Lisa found that living her design led to greater peace, self-acceptance, and fulfillment.
    Embrace Your Unique Design
    As we wrap up this crash course, I invite you to embrace your unique design. Remember, you are a unique expression of life, with your own special way of operating in the world. By understanding and living your design, you can navigate life with more ease, authenticity, and fulfillment.
    Thank you for showing up for yourself on this journey through Human Design. I trust that it has sparked your curiosity and inspired you to explore further. As you continue your journey, remember the words of Ra Uru Hu: "Love yourself. It is the only thing you are here for, to discover the love of Self."
    Check out the resources available in our Human Design library, as well as new courses and events.. Stay close to the fire for more insights and discoveries as we continue exploring the fascinating world of Human Design.
    love & light, 
  3. Hev
    The human design system, a brainchild of Ra Uru Hu, was birthed in 1987 following a mystical experience. Through his encounter with a "Voice", Ra received detailed information about the mechanics of the universe and human existence, which he later shared with the world as Human Design.
    Human Design is an intricate system of self-understanding that marries the wisdom of ancient traditions with contemporary scientific knowledge. It combines elements of Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmachakra, and Quantum Physics. As such, it is often described as the "Science of Differentiation," underlining the idea that each human being is unique and born with a specific purpose.
    The foundational element of Human Design is the BodyGraph or the Human Design Chart. This diagram, resembling a body, is a visual representation of our design. It features nine geometric shapes, known as Centers, connected by lines known as Channels. Each Center represents a specific aspect of human nature, and the Channels are pathways of energy between these Centers. Additionally, within the Channels are smaller segments called Gates, which are determined by the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching.
    These elements of the Human Design chart – the Centers, Channels, and Gates – are the key to understanding our unique design. They provide insights into our strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, and life's purpose. The state of each element, whether it is defined (colored) or undefined (white), can tell us a lot about our behavior, decision-making process, communication style, and more.
    Along with the Centers, Channels, and Gates, another crucial aspect of Human Design is the Type. According to Human Design, everyone belongs to one of four Types: Manifestors, Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. These Types determine our overall role and strategy in life.
    The intricacies of Human Design also extend to Authorities and Profiles, which offer more precise insights into our decision-making process and our role in life, respectively. Authorities guide us on how to make decisions that align with our true selves, while Profiles represent different aspects of our personality and how we engage with the world.
    Each person's Human Design chart is calculated using their birth data (date, time, and place). This information determines the positioning of the planets at the time of birth, which in turn influences the state of the Centers, Channels, and Gates in the BodyGraph.
    In essence, Human Design serves as a navigational tool for life. It offers a roadmap to understanding ourselves better and navigating life with less resistance and more authenticity. By understanding our design, we can make decisions that align with who we are, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
    >>> In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each of the key elements of Human Design, starting with the four Types. As we explore each element, remember that the goal is not to change who we are, but to gain a deeper understanding of our inherent design. Only through this understanding can we truly embrace our uniqueness and live out our purpose to its fullest potential.
    Stay Tuned
    Whether you're a newcomer to Human Design or seeking to deepen your knowledge, this course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of this fascinating system. By the end, you'll have a greater understanding of yourself and others, and the tools to navigate life with increased self-awareness and authenticity.
  4. Hev

    Human Design
    One of the foundational aspects of the Human Design system is the concept of Types. According to Human Design, every individual falls into one of four distinct Types: Manifestors, Generators (including Manifesting Generators), Projectors, and Reflectors. These Types provide a broad overview of our role in life and guide us in making decisions that align with our true selves.
    Manifestors represent about 9% of the population. They are the initiators, the ones who can start new things without needing to wait for external cues. Manifestors have a unique ability to impact others and make things happen. However, their impactful nature can sometimes be perceived as disruptive or overpowering. To maintain harmony in relationships, Manifestors are encouraged to inform others about their plans before taking action.
    Manifestors have a defined throat center connected to a motor center, which gives them the energy to initiate and create change. Their strategy in life is to inform, and they can follow their urges without waiting for external validation or invitation.
    Generators are the life force of the planet, making up about 70% of the population (including Manifesting Generators). They have an inherent ability to generate and sustain energy, making them the doers and builders of society. Generators often find satisfaction in work and have the stamina to persist until a task is complete.
    Generators have a defined sacral center, the powerhouse of life force and vitality. Their strategy is to wait to respond, meaning they should wait for something in their outer world to spark their internal response before they take action. This ensures they're using their energy in ways that truly satisfy them.
    Manifesting Generators
    A subtype of Generators, Manifesting Generators share characteristics with both Manifestors and Generators. They have the ability to initiate like Manifestors but also have the staying power of Generators. Their strategy is a two-step process: wait to respond, then inform before taking action.
    Projectors, making up about 20% of the population, are the guides and managers. They don't generate energy like Generators, but they have a unique ability to see and understand others. This makes them excellent at guiding and directing energy.
    Projectors have an undefined sacral center, meaning they don't have consistent access to their own life force energy. Instead, they absorb and amplify the energy of others. Their strategy is to wait for an invitation before sharing their insights or taking on significant roles.
    Reflectors are the rarest Type, making up about 1% of the population. They are the mirrors of society, reflecting the health and wellbeing of their community. Reflectors have an extraordinary capacity for empathy and understanding.
    Reflectors have all their centers undefined, making them highly sensitive to their environment. Their strategy is to wait a full lunar cycle before making major decisions, allowing them to gain perspective and clarity.
    Embracing Your Type
    Understanding your Type is the first step towards living your design. By following your strategy, you can make decisions that are in alignment with who you are, leading to less resistance and more flow in your life.
    Remember, no Type is better or worse than another. Each has its unique strengths and challenges. The key is to embrace our Type and use it as a guide for making decisions and navigating our roles in life.
    >>> In the next section, we'll explore the nine Centers in the Human Design chart, which offer a more detailed insight into our mental, emotional, and physical attributes. Stay tuned to delve deeper into the intricacies of your unique design.
  5. Hev

    Human Design
    The Human Design chart, also known as the BodyGraph, is composed of nine geometric shapes called Centers. Each Center represents a specific aspect of our nature and is associated with certain biological functions and attributes. The Centers are either defined (colored) or undefined (white), which can significantly influence our behavior and decision-making process.
    Defined and Undefined Centers
    A defined Center is consistent and reliable in its function. It's something that operates in a fixed way within us and is not susceptible to the influence of others. Conversely, an undefined Center is more flexible and adaptive, taking in energy and amplifying it. Undefined Centers can be heavily influenced by the energy of others and the environment.
    Now, let's explore each of the nine Centers in detail.
    Head Center
    The Head Center, located at the top of the BodyGraph, represents inspiration and mental pressure to answer questions. In a defined state, it provides a consistent way of thinking and being inspired. When undefined, there's a tendency to get caught up in other people's questions and ideas.
    Mind (Ajna) Center
    The Mind Center is related to our mental processes and how we think. If defined, it indicates a fixed way of processing information and making decisions. An undefined Mind Center can adapt and understand multiple perspectives but may struggle with indecisiveness.
    Throat Center
    The Throat Center is about communication and manifestation. When defined, there's a consistent energy for speaking and expressing oneself. An undefined Throat might feel pressure to talk and be heard, often adapting their communication style to match their environment.
    Self (G) Center
    The Self Center is connected to our identity, direction in life, and love. A defined Self Center indicates a fixed sense of self and direction in life, while an undefined Self Center may search for identity and direction through relationships and environment.
    Heart (Ego) Center
    The Heart Center deals with willpower, ego, and value. Those with it defined have a consistent access to willpower and a fixed sense of self-worth. An undefined Heart Center might overpromise to prove their worth or struggle with self-esteem.
    Sacral Center
    The Sacral Center is the center for life force energy, fertility, and work capacity. Those with it defined (Generators and Manifesting Generators) have a sustainable energy source. An undefined Sacral Center (Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors) doesn't have a consistent access to this energy, needing to rest and recharge more frequently.
    Spleen Center
    The Spleen Center is associated with intuition, timing, and health. A defined Spleen Center indicates a consistent intuition and sense of timing, whereas an undefined Spleen may struggle with knowing when to let go of things and might hold onto what isn't good for them.
    Emotional Solar Plexus Center
    The Emotional Solar Plexus Center is linked to emotions and desires. If defined, it suggests a consistent emotional wave that influences decision-making. An undefined Emotional Solar Plexus can absorb and amplify the emotions of others, often being seen as an empath.
    Root Center
    The Root Center is about pressure to act and adrenaline. Those with it defined consistently handle stress and pressure. An undefined Root Center might feel overwhelmed by pressure, rushing to get rid of it.
    The Significance of Centers
    Understanding the defined and undefined Centers in your Human Design chart can offer profound insights into your behavior, decision-making process, and interactions with others. The key is to recognize these aspects of your design and use them as guides to navigate life with more ease and authenticity.
    >>>In the upcoming section, we will delve into the 36 Channels and 64 Gates, which provide further depth to our understanding of our unique design. Stay tuned as we continue our journey of self-discovery through Human Design.
    >>>If you would like to dive deeper into your Centers and learn how the definition in your Bodygraph effect your life, I have put together an easy to digest, yet comprehensive guide that will help you better understand and embody your cosmic blueprint and the natural flow of energy in your design.
    Enroll here for 11 credits!
  6. Hev
    In the Human Design system, the nine Centers are interconnected by Channels, and within these Channels lie the Gates. These elements form the circuitry of the BodyGraph, providing a more granular insight into our attributes and how our energy flows.
    Channels are the pathways that connect two Centers. Each Channel is composed of two Gates – one at each end. The presence of a Channel indicates a fixed and reliable trait within us, something that is consistently operational.
    There are 36 Channels in total, and each one represents a unique archetype of human experience. The Channels are grouped into three categories based on their function:
    Manifesting Channels link a motor Center to the Throat Center, providing the energy to communicate and make things happen. Generating Channels connect a motor Center to a non-motor Center, generating life force and energy. Projecting Channels do not involve any motor Centers but help us process, guide, and project information. Gates
    The Gates are the specific energies within the Channels. There are 64 Gates in total, mirroring the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. Each Gate represents a specific aspect of human life, such as love, leadership, creativity, etc.
    Gates within a defined Channel in your chart are considered "activated," and they impact your behavior and characteristics. If only one Gate of a Channel is activated, it indicates a potential that can be brought to life when connected with another person's activated Gate on the other end of the Channel.
    Now, let's take a brief look at how Channels and Gates work together in practice.
    Channels and Gates at Work
    For example, the Channel of Awakening (20-10) connects the Throat Center to the G (Self) Center. This is a Manifesting Channel, implying the ability to express one's identity. The Gate 20 (Gate of the Now) is about the ability to stay present, while Gate 10 (Gate of Behavior) is about love of self. When this Channel is defined in a chart, it indicates a person who can consistently express their identity with self-love and presence.
    As another example, consider the Channel of Recognition (61-24), a Projecting Channel that connects the Head Center to the Mind Center. This Channel is about bringing mental pressure to understand life's mysteries. Gate 61 (Gate of Inner Truth) is about the pressure to know the unknown, and Gate 24 (Gate of Rationalization) is about the process of understanding and making sense of experiences. When this Channel is defined, it suggests a person who is consistently driven to understand and make sense of life's mysteries.
    The Impact of Channels and Gates
    Understanding the Channels and Gates in your Human Design chart can provide a deeper layer of insight into your unique traits, tendencies, and potentials. It can reveal how you interact with the world, how you process experiences, and where your strengths lie.
    Remember, though, that this is just one piece of the puzzle. The Channels and Gates do not operate in isolation but as part of the whole BodyGraph. Each element of the chart – the Centers, the Channels, the Gates, the Types, the Authorities, and the Profiles – all work together to form the full picture of your Human Design.
    >>>In the next section, we will delve into the topic of Profiles and Lines, further detailing the ways we engage with the world. As our journey through Human Design continues, we hope you find greater understanding and acceptance of your unique self. Stay tuned for more insights and discoveries.
  7. Hev
    In the Human Design system, Profiles provide another layer of insight into our personality and how we interact with the world. Each Profile is made up of two Lines, representing different aspects of our nature. Let's explore these concepts further.
    A Profile in Human Design is a combination of two numbers, each representing a Line. There are six Lines, leading to twelve possible Profiles. The first number in your Profile represents your Conscious (Personality) Sun Line, the aspect of you that is conscious and can be recognized by yourself. The second number represents your Unconscious (Design) Sun Line, an aspect that operates unconsciously, often recognized by others but not always by yourself.
    Here's a brief overview of the twelve Profiles:
    1-3 Investigator Martyr: This Profile is about personal discovery through trial and error. 1-4 Investigator Opportunist: This Profile seeks a solid foundation and opportunities to share knowledge. 2-4 Hermit Opportunist: This Profile oscillates between needing alone time and social interactions. 2-5 Hermit Heretic: This Profile is about delivering practical solutions but needing time alone to recharge. 3-5 Martyr Heretic: This Profile learns through experimentation and can bring change to societal norms. 3-6 Martyr Role Model: This Profile learns through trial and error and eventually becomes a role model after a period of observation and learning. 4-6 Opportunist Role Model: This Profile is about building networks and, after a period of observation, becomes a role model. 4-1 Opportunist Investigator: This Profile seeks to build a solid foundation and network of connections. 5-1 Heretic Investigator: This Profile is about delivering practical solutions based on a deep investigation of the foundations. 5-2 Heretic Hermit: This Profile is about delivering universal solutions, with a need for solitude to recharge. 6-2 Role Model Hermit: This Profile observes life for the first part, then becomes a role model, with a need for solitude. 6-3 Role Model Martyr: This Profile spends the first part of life in observation, then becomes a role model, learning through trial and error. Lines
    The Lines in Human Design represent different roles we play or ways we engage with the world. Each Line has a unique energy and theme:
    1st Line - The Investigator: This Line is about foundation, introspection, and knowledge. 2nd Line - The Hermit: This Line is about natural talent, calling, and the need for solitude. 3rd Line - The Martyr: This Line is about learning through trial and error and adaptation. 4th Line - The Opportunist: This Line is about networks, influence, and opportunities. 5th Line - The Heretic: This Line is about practicality, universalizing, and being of service to others. 6th Line - The Role Model: This Line is about authority, observation, and eventually becoming a role model. Understanding Profiles and Lines
    Understanding your Profile and Lines can provide insight into your purpose, how you interact with the world, and how you best learn and grow. It's a guide to understanding the roles you're here to play in life.
    Keep in mind that no Profile or Line is better or worse than another. Each comes with its unique strengths and challenges. By understanding and embracing your Profile and Lines, you can navigate life with more ease and authenticity.
    >>> In the next section, we'll explore how Human Design can improve personal and professional relationships. As we continue our journey, remember that understanding your Human Design is about self-acceptance and living authentically. Stay tuned for more insights.
  8. Hev

    Human Design
    Human Design offers powerful insights not only into our individual traits and behaviors but also into our interactions with others. It can enhance our understanding of relationships, offering tools to navigate our personal and professional lives with more empathy, patience, and acceptance.
    Interactions between Types
    Understanding the interaction between different Types can significantly improve our relationships. For example, a Generator might need to understand the Projector's need for recognition and invitation, while a Projector might need to respect the Generator's response mechanism. Acknowledging and honoring these differences can foster mutual understanding and reduce friction.
    Composite Charts
    In Human Design, a Composite Chart can be created by combining two individuals' charts. This chart represents the relationship itself and can reveal the dynamics between the two people. It can show where the two designs interact harmoniously and where potential challenges may lie.
    For example, if a defined Center in one person's chart connects with an undefined Center in another person's chart, it can create a dynamic of influence and learning. Understanding these dynamics can help individuals navigate their relationships with more awareness and empathy.
    Conditioning and Deconditioning
    Human Design also talks about the concept of conditioning, where our undefined Centers are susceptible to being influenced by others' defined Centers. Over time, this conditioning can lead us to behave in ways that are not true to our authentic self.
    Understanding this concept can help us recognize where we might be adapting to please others or conforming to societal expectations, especially in close relationships. The process of deconditioning, or unlearning these patterns, can lead to more authentic self-expression and healthier relationships.
    Communication and Decision-Making
    Understanding each other's Authority (decision-making strategy) and Throat Center status (communication style) can greatly enhance communication within relationships. For example, a person with emotional authority might need time to ride their emotional wave before making decisions, and a partner who understands this can provide the necessary space and patience.
    Understanding and Acceptance
    Perhaps the most significant impact of Human Design on relationships is fostering understanding and acceptance. When we understand our design and the design of others, we can accept ourselves and others more fully, leading to more authentic and fulfilling relationships.
    The Power of Human Design in Relationships
    Whether it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a professional relationship, Human Design can provide invaluable insights. It can reveal why certain patterns exist, why conflicts arise, and how to enhance communication and understanding.
    Remember, the goal of Human Design is not to change ourselves or others but to understand and accept our inherent designs. It's about honoring our uniqueness and the uniqueness of others, leading to more authentic and fulfilling relationships.
    >>> In the next section, we'll explore the practical applications of Human Design, showing how these insights can be applied to everyday life. As we continue our journey of self-discovery through Human Design, stay tuned for more insights and practical advice.
  9. Hev
    Human Design is more than just a theoretical framework for understanding our inherent traits and behaviors. It offers practical guidance that we can apply to everyday life, from decision-making and career choices to relationships and personal growth.
    Understanding your Authority, or decision-making strategy, is one of the most practical applications of Human Design. Whether it's sacral responses for Generators, emotional clarity for those with emotional authority, or spontaneous intuition for those with spleenic authority, knowing how you're designed to make decisions can bring more ease and alignment into your life.
    Career Choices
    Human Design can provide insights into the types of work or career paths that might align with your unique design. For example, Generators and Manifesting Generators might thrive in careers that allow them to respond to tasks they feel a gut resonance with. Projectors might excel in roles where their guidance and management skills are recognized and invited.
    As we discussed in the previous section, Human Design can greatly enhance understanding and communication in relationships. Recognizing the dynamics of Types, Centers, Channels, and Gates can help us navigate our relationships with more empathy and acceptance.
    Personal Growth and Self-Understanding
    Human Design serves as a tool for self-discovery, helping us understand our strengths, challenges, and potential. It invites us to explore who we are at a deep level and encourages us to honor our uniqueness. This understanding can fuel personal growth and self-acceptance.
    Health and Wellbeing
    The Centers in Human Design are associated with different aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional health. Understanding your design can provide insights into your health and wellbeing, guiding you towards a lifestyle that supports your overall balance and vitality.
    Recognizing where we've been conditioned – where we've taken on behaviors or beliefs that are not authentic to us – is a powerful application of Human Design. The deconditioning process, of releasing these patterns, can lead to more authenticity and freedom.
    Life stories
    To bring these practical applications to life, consider these life stories:
    On Decision Making: Chris, a Manifesting Generator with sacral authority, was feeling stuck in his job. After learning about his design, he started tuning into his sacral responses to guide his decisions. He noticed a lack of gut resonance with his work tasks and decided to switch careers. He's now running his own gardening business, a passion he's always had a gut feeling about. On Relationships: Sarah and Mike, a Projector and Generator couple, were having communication issues. After exploring their Human Design, they realized that Sarah often felt unrecognized, and Mike felt pressured to immediately respond to Sarah's ideas. They learned to invite Sarah's input and give Mike time to respond, significantly improving their communication. On Personal Growth: Dani, a Reflector, always felt like she didn't fit in. After learning about her design, she understood her unique sensitivity to the environment and her lunar decision-making process. She started honoring her need for reflection time, leading to greater self-acceptance and peace. Applying Human Design to Life
    As you can see, Human Design offers practical guidance for various aspects of life. By applying this knowledge, we can align more closely with our authentic self and navigate life with more ease and fulfillment; going with the flow rather than opposite the current. More ease AND less resistance.
    >>> In the final section, we'll wrap up our exploration of Human Design and discuss how you can continue this journey of self-discovery. Stay tuned for the conclusion of our journey through the fascinating landscape of Human Design.
  10. Hev

    Human Design
    The third line is known as the martyr. Someone with a 3 in their profile is here to experiment and experience life. It’s not good enough to just tell them information, they need to trial and error everything in order to know if it’s something that will work or not. If you know someone with a third line, or are a third line yourself, you know this is a deeply resilient profile, going through experiences that would break the average bear only to come out on the other side to say, “Oh yeah, you shouldn’t do X because…” And truly, this insight through personal embodied experience is your gift. 
    The third line is about bonds made and broken.  They are constantly in this trial and error phase of things, they literally need to make and break bonds constantly.  Now, if you’re in a romantic relationship with a third line, this doesn’t mean they need to constantly break up and make up (which they very well may do depending on conditioning and awareness) but moreso they may need to take their space, their freedom, or perhaps even sleep in a different room.  Quite literally breaking and making bonds daily.  Ra talks about the importance of sleeping in separate rooms when in partnerships and as it relates to 3rd lines, he describes the reasons as the ability to make and break bonds daily which is healthy for the 3rd line.  
    “When operating correctly as true self, however, there is no such thing as failure for the 3rd line - only discovery”. - Ra Uru Hu
  11. Hev

    Human Design
    In Human Design, our profiles (that fraction number that you see, ⅓, ¼ etc.) tells us a lot about who we are. These numbers are all about the archetypes of our personality and what we are here to do in this life. 
    The profile is taken from the line quality of your Conscious Sun & Earth Gates (right side of the Bodygraph, or Personality side, usually seen in black) and the line quality from your Unconscious Sun & Earth Gates (left side of the Bodygraph, or Design side, usually seen in red). So, if your conscious Sun is 23.1 and your unconscious Sun is 30.3, then your profile would be 1/3.  
    So what does it all mean?  Let’s walk through each individual profile line and then put together the two lines that make up your unique design. 
    Before we begin, it’s important to note that the first number in that profile is your Conscious Personality, this means that you have a mental awareness of this line and how that presents itself in your life. You will resonate with this line quality as it’s the information you have access to.  The second number in your profile is your Unconscious Body. This may be something that surprises you, something that you’re not quite consciously aware of but you know runs in the background.  It’s the quality of your body and what your body needs.  
    Let’s look at a quick example of the 1 / 3 profile.  The 1 line is all about collecting information, this line is the investigator and needs a certain amount of information to feel safe.  This is what this person will resonate with, they will have awareness around the fact that they like to research, get all the facts, ask lots of questions, and really understand things. The 3rd line quality that runs on the body side is all about trial and error, bonds made and broken, it’s the martyr that has to try things out.  So this person is going to have an element of insecurity to them (the 1 / 3’s are known for their insecurities) because they want to have all the information but they also want to experience life on their own terms, experiment often with lots of trial and error, so they can tell others what they found.  Can you see how this may play out? 
    Let’s take a look at each Profile line so you can put it together with your own profile! Ready? 
    As we just saw, the first line is all about research and investigation.  If you think about a house, as is typically the example given when discussing Profile lines, the first line is going to be the foundation.  This line is all about gaining the information to make a secure and stable foundation for the rest of the house.  They need all the information to feel safe, they want the blueprint and the details, and so they will question everything to come into deeper understanding.  
    There is also an element of fear and insecurity at this first line level, because if you think about it, that’s what’s needed to create a secure and stable foundation. In order to create something lasting and strong, you have to understand where the cracks may appear.  
    In relationships, this line takes a while to know if it’s right for them or not, and it makes sense too because they need to really understand the other person, really research and investigate that person in order to feel safe enough to decide if this is a relationship they want or not.  
    “The very nature of a Hexagram, the very construct itself, cannot survive without a solid foundation” - Ra Uru Hu
  12. Hev

    Human Design
    The 6th line is the final line in our profiles, and this is the line of The Role Model.  The 6th line is known as a mutative profile as it goes through three phases in their life. The first 30 (ish) years, from their birth to Saturn Return, which can be anywhere from 28-30, this line acts as a 3rd line.  So if you have a 6th line anywhere in your profile, for the first 30 years of your life you acted as a 3rd line.  These profiles are 6/2, 6/3, 4/6, and 3/6.  This can be especially challenging if you are a 6/3 or 3/6 profile because for your first 30 years you are walking around as a 3/3.  That’s a lot of trial and error, a lot of bonds made and broken and a lot of experiences.  
    The second phase of the 6th line is 30-50, where this line goes “on the roof”.  This means that the 6 lines take all their 30 years of experience and sit back to observe, reflect and make sense of everything they have experienced and everything they see in others, everything they see happening from the roof, going back to our house analogy.  
    The final phase of the 6th line is 50 years and beyond where this profile comes off the roof and can fully step into their 6th line Role Model role. They won’t always want to come back off the roof to play with life again, usually coming down from their bird’s-eye view to get involved with what’s happening below, but it’s a necessity for this profile line.  
    Collectively we have been in a 1st line era, and as we move into 2027 and the Cross of the Sleeping Pheonix is upon us, this will be a 6th line era for our planet. This will truly be the time for the 6th lines of the world to shine, to offer their perspective and guide us in this new energy and way of being.
     This line is the end of the cycle and brings us back to our first lines.  It’s all connected and all has its reason and purpose. 
    “Every 6th line being carries the magic of the future, it carries the magic of what’s possible for a human being, what’s possible for any human being if they’re fortunate enough in this life to come in contact with this knowledge and they get to experiment with it and see for themselves”. - Ra Uru Hu
  13. Hev

    Human Design
    The 5th line is known as the Heretic, the one who delivers practical, universal truth, and it’s often viewed by others as the savior; it’s all about leadership and guiding others with practical wisdom. It’s a projected line which means people often project their problems on this line expecting them to save the day. And really, it’s something they’re here to do, but only if they accept the projection and know they can live up to it.
    A 5th line has the experience of projections coming in all the time, from every direction, that they are the perfect friend, the perfect lover, the perfect boss or employee, the one with the ability to save the day, which is a beautiful thing and allows them to be taken in at first glance by almost everyone and share their message far and wide. It isn’t just about the tribe or the immediate community like we see in the 4th line, it works for the good of all.  
    Most people like a 5th line when they first meet them. However, it’s important to have boundaries as a 5th line, and if you know someone with a 5th line to be aware they they won’t always be able to save the day and to not hold that against them; it’s up to them to choose what projections they want to take in and take on. If they are unable to live up to the projection, it can backfire and ruin their reputation, and usually, the pedestal they were on becomes the stake they get burned at. Because of this, 5th lines are often deeply concerned with how others perceive them, there is an element of judgement associated with the 5th line. 
    It can also work the other way, the 5th line can project onto others that ‘it’s all the other’s fault,’ not taking accountability for their life and relationships, when it’s living its not-self. This often comes from the frustration, anger, disappointment and bitterness of falling from the good graces of those they’ve shown up for in service.
    Anyone with a 5th line can’t help but do things without being seen, because they are here to be seen, to be projected on, to project outward, to be the savior that helps and guides others. It’s often said that a lot of famous people have 5th lines in their profile, and you can see how that could be the case. Projected on and loved for the image others make of them, but only truly known by the people allowed in their close inner circle.
    “Whatever you’re going to do in this life, make sure it has a practical application.  If that’s the case, you will be a success, whatever it is.  But if it’s not, then you have the reputation problem.  It follows you wherever you go”.  - Ra Uru Hu
  14. Hev

    Human Design
    The 4th line is known as the Opportunist and this line is all about networking! If you have a 4th line in your life, you know they have probably never met a stranger in their life.  They probably know all sorts of people and have no problem making friends! 
    The 4th line is all about being a friend or a lover but most likely it won’t be both at the same time, it’s confidant or not.  The 4th line will either be your friend or your lover.  This is its struggle, the 4th line will also not leave a relationship until it has something else in its place and not just a relationship but a job or a house etc.  It has something in place, something ready to go, something in its network that allows it to ease into something new.  It’s about security for the 4th line, as the 4th line is the start of the second floor of the house (back to that house analogy).  
    For a 4th line their network is extremely important, as it’s their source of security and opportunity. If following your Strategy and Authority as a 4th line you’ll find that if you ever find yourself in need of support, jobs, housing, inspiration etc. it is likely to come through your close relationships and immediate network. The 4th line is about cultivating and attracting deep and personal relationships with close contacts. 
    “The 4th line is about the human resources of the material plane;  people are the biggest decisions and investments they make in their life”. - Ra Uru Hu
  15. Hev

    Human Design
    The second line is known as the Hermit. Someone with this line in their profile is a natural genius at whatever they’re into, and often, they couldn’t really tell you how they’re so good at what they do, it just comes to them. The most important thing for them is to be able to Hermit, be alone, to master their crafts without much interruption, if any at all. The second line will naturally be called out by those around them to share their talents.  So, although they may want to Hermit and do their thing, they will always be called out for the things they are naturally good at. And, if it’s correct for them, they will ‘answer the call.’
    The second line cycles between shyness and boldness.  This all depends on who they are with.  It’s also important to note that the Hermit doesn’t always need to hermit by themselves, if you’re in their close circle of friends, family, or a partner, then they can hermit along with you. But even still, trust that they will need and sincerely enjoy the space to themselves in order to really master those talents they have. 
    The second line is a line of projection, and it’s because the outside world is looking in. If we go back to that house analogy, the Hermit is the one on the first floor, the windows are open and the lights are on, allowing others to peer in and see what’s going on. Everyone peering in is going ‘hey, that’s so cool how do you do that? Can you share that? Can I learn from you? And the Hermit really just wants to be alone, in their own little world mastering all their natural talents.  However, because the lights are on and the windows are open, they can’t avoid the prying eyes and call outs for long, really are waiting for the right call to come out and share their talents. 
    As with anything in Human Design, it’s so important to follow your strategy and authority in knowing what’s correct for you or not.  If you have a 2 line in your profile, knowing what is the right calling for you, knowing when it’s the right person to share your talents with, is so important in your journey.  
    “Just sit by the river; sooner or later something will come by.  This is readiness for the unknowable, whatever it may be”. - Ra Uru Hu
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