Line 3: The Martyr
The third line is known as the martyr. Someone with a 3 in their profile is here to experiment and experience life. It’s not good enough to just tell them information, they need to trial and error everything in order to know if it’s something that will work or not. If you know someone with a third line, or are a third line yourself, you know this is a deeply resilient profile, going through experiences that would break the average bear only to come out on the other side to say, “Oh yeah, you shouldn’t do X because…” And truly, this insight through personal embodied experience is your gift.
The third line is about bonds made and broken. They are constantly in this trial and error phase of things, they literally need to make and break bonds constantly. Now, if you’re in a romantic relationship with a third line, this doesn’t mean they need to constantly break up and make up (which they very well may do depending on conditioning and awareness) but moreso they may need to take their space, their freedom, or perhaps even sleep in a different room. Quite literally breaking and making bonds daily. Ra talks about the importance of sleeping in separate rooms when in partnerships and as it relates to 3rd lines, he describes the reasons as the ability to make and break bonds daily which is healthy for the 3rd line.
“When operating correctly as true self, however, there is no such thing as failure for the 3rd line - only discovery”. - Ra Uru Hu
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