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Line 2: The Hermit




The second line is known as the Hermit. Someone with this line in their profile is a natural genius at whatever they’re into, and often, they couldn’t really tell you how they’re so good at what they do, it just comes to them. The most important thing for them is to be able to Hermit, be alone, to master their crafts without much interruption, if any at all. The second line will naturally be called out by those around them to share their talents.  So, although they may want to Hermit and do their thing, they will always be called out for the things they are naturally good at. And, if it’s correct for them, they will ‘answer the call.’

The second line cycles between shyness and boldness.  This all depends on who they are with.  It’s also important to note that the Hermit doesn’t always need to hermit by themselves, if you’re in their close circle of friends, family, or a partner, then they can hermit along with you. But even still, trust that they will need and sincerely enjoy the space to themselves in order to really master those talents they have. 

The second line is a line of projection, and it’s because the outside world is looking in. If we go back to that house analogy, the Hermit is the one on the first floor, the windows are open and the lights are on, allowing others to peer in and see what’s going on. Everyone peering in is going ‘hey, that’s so cool how do you do that? Can you share that? Can I learn from you? And the Hermit really just wants to be alone, in their own little world mastering all their natural talents.  However, because the lights are on and the windows are open, they can’t avoid the prying eyes and call outs for long, really are waiting for the right call to come out and share their talents. 

As with anything in Human Design, it’s so important to follow your strategy and authority in knowing what’s correct for you or not.  If you have a 2 line in your profile, knowing what is the right calling for you, knowing when it’s the right person to share your talents with, is so important in your journey.  

“Just sit by the river; sooner or later something will come by.  This is readiness for the unknowable, whatever it may be”. - Ra Uru Hu



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