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The Nine Centers in Human Design



The Human Design chart, also known as the BodyGraph, is composed of nine geometric shapes called Centers. Each Center represents a specific aspect of our nature and is associated with certain biological functions and attributes. The Centers are either defined (colored) or undefined (white), which can significantly influence our behavior and decision-making process.

Defined and Undefined Centers

A defined Center is consistent and reliable in its function. It's something that operates in a fixed way within us and is not susceptible to the influence of others. Conversely, an undefined Center is more flexible and adaptive, taking in energy and amplifying it. Undefined Centers can be heavily influenced by the energy of others and the environment.

Now, let's explore each of the nine Centers in detail.

Head Center

The Head Center, located at the top of the BodyGraph, represents inspiration and mental pressure to answer questions. In a defined state, it provides a consistent way of thinking and being inspired. When undefined, there's a tendency to get caught up in other people's questions and ideas.

Mind (Ajna) Center

The Mind Center is related to our mental processes and how we think. If defined, it indicates a fixed way of processing information and making decisions. An undefined Mind Center can adapt and understand multiple perspectives but may struggle with indecisiveness.

Throat Center

The Throat Center is about communication and manifestation. When defined, there's a consistent energy for speaking and expressing oneself. An undefined Throat might feel pressure to talk and be heard, often adapting their communication style to match their environment.

Self (G) Center

The Self Center is connected to our identity, direction in life, and love. A defined Self Center indicates a fixed sense of self and direction in life, while an undefined Self Center may search for identity and direction through relationships and environment.

Heart (Ego) Center

The Heart Center deals with willpower, ego, and value. Those with it defined have a consistent access to willpower and a fixed sense of self-worth. An undefined Heart Center might overpromise to prove their worth or struggle with self-esteem.

Sacral Center

The Sacral Center is the center for life force energy, fertility, and work capacity. Those with it defined (Generators and Manifesting Generators) have a sustainable energy source. An undefined Sacral Center (Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors) doesn't have a consistent access to this energy, needing to rest and recharge more frequently.

Spleen Center

The Spleen Center is associated with intuition, timing, and health. A defined Spleen Center indicates a consistent intuition and sense of timing, whereas an undefined Spleen may struggle with knowing when to let go of things and might hold onto what isn't good for them.

Emotional Solar Plexus Center

The Emotional Solar Plexus Center is linked to emotions and desires. If defined, it suggests a consistent emotional wave that influences decision-making. An undefined Emotional Solar Plexus can absorb and amplify the emotions of others, often being seen as an empath.

Root Center

The Root Center is about pressure to act and adrenaline. Those with it defined consistently handle stress and pressure. An undefined Root Center might feel overwhelmed by pressure, rushing to get rid of it.

The Significance of Centers

Understanding the defined and undefined Centers in your Human Design chart can offer profound insights into your behavior, decision-making process, and interactions with others. The key is to recognize these aspects of your design and use them as guides to navigate life with more ease and authenticity.

>>>In the upcoming section, we will delve into the 36 Channels and 64 Gates, which provide further depth to our understanding of our unique design. Stay tuned as we continue our journey of self-discovery through Human Design.

>>>If you would like to dive deeper into your Centers and learn how the definition in your Bodygraph effect your life, I have put together an easy to digest, yet comprehensive guide that will help you better understand and embody your cosmic blueprint and the natural flow of energy in your design.

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