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Why we've come together to create LearnGrowRepeat

Carl Dickson


We’ve come together to grow beyond our conditioning and live free of the contradictions that box us in, hold us back, and make the world seem worse than it has to be. We’ve come together to share a minimal set of principles that we have in common, as a way to work together, explore, learn, grow, consider, and live to our full potential.

We share some of the same basic questions

The answers to these questions must be discovered and not dictated.

  • Who am I?
  • What are my values?
  • How should I manage my relationships?
  • How do I recognize truth and falsehood?
  • Am I wrong?
  • Am I missing some other way of looking at it?
  • How should I make decisions?
  • What is right and wrong?
  • What can we learn from each other?
  • How can I get along without meaningful compromise or conflict?
  • The approach to discovering the answers matters more than the answers themselves

As an example, take discovering the truth. There is no shortage of people ready to tell you what the truth is. There are over 4,000 recognized religions on Earth. That means that most, if not all, of them are wrong. At least to the extent that they contradict each other. And let’s not even discuss how many politicians, experts, and salespeople cross the line and try to dictate the truth to you. The approach to discovering the truth matters more than who is describing it or even what they are describing.

We don’t seek someone that we trust to tell us the answers and then assume the answers are true because that is what we were told. We trust because we find the approach to discovering the answers to be valid. The Perspectives Council is a thought school for teaching the approaches we’ve found to be valid, testing them in practice, improving them over time, and constantly integrating them into our lives to make life better.


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