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Bonus: Authority in Human Design

In the Human Design system, Authority refers to our unique decision-making strategy. It's a built-in mechanism that guides us to make decisions that are in alignment with our true nature. Understanding and following our Authority can lead to less resistance and more flow in life. There are seven types of Authority in Human Design: Emotional, Sacral, Splenic, Ego Manifested, Ego Projected, Self-Projected, and None (Mental Projector). Let's explore each of these in detail. Emotional Auth


Hev in Human Design

Living Your Human Design

As we conclude this brief exploration of Human Design, I hope you've gained insights into this intricate system and how it can serve as a roadmap for understanding yourself and navigating life. But remember, the true value of Human Design is not just in understanding it – it's in living it. The Journey of Experimentation Living your design is a process of experimentation. It's about applying the insights from your Human Design chart to your everyday life and observing the results. This


Hev in Human Design

Practical Applications of Human Design

Human Design is more than just a theoretical framework for understanding our inherent traits and behaviors. It offers practical guidance that we can apply to everyday life, from decision-making and career choices to relationships and personal growth. Decision-Making Understanding your Authority, or decision-making strategy, is one of the most practical applications of Human Design. Whether it's sacral responses for Generators, emotional clarity for those with emotional authority, or sp


Hev in Human Design

Human Design and Relationships

Human Design offers powerful insights not only into our individual traits and behaviors but also into our interactions with others. It can enhance our understanding of relationships, offering tools to navigate our personal and professional lives with more empathy, patience, and acceptance. Interactions between Types Understanding the interaction between different Types can significantly improve our relationships. For example, a Generator might need to understand the Projector's need fo


Hev in Human Design

Profiles and Lines in Human Design

In the Human Design system, Profiles provide another layer of insight into our personality and how we interact with the world. Each Profile is made up of two Lines, representing different aspects of our nature. Let's explore these concepts further. Profiles A Profile in Human Design is a combination of two numbers, each representing a Line. There are six Lines, leading to twelve possible Profiles. The first number in your Profile represents your Conscious (Personality) Sun Line, the as


Hev in Human Design

The 36 Channels and 64 Gates in Human Design

In the Human Design system, the nine Centers are interconnected by Channels, and within these Channels lie the Gates. These elements form the circuitry of the BodyGraph, providing a more granular insight into our attributes and how our energy flows. Channels Channels are the pathways that connect two Centers. Each Channel is composed of two Gates – one at each end. The presence of a Channel indicates a fixed and reliable trait within us, something that is consistently operational.


Hev in Human Design

The Nine Centers in Human Design

The Human Design chart, also known as the BodyGraph, is composed of nine geometric shapes called Centers. Each Center represents a specific aspect of our nature and is associated with certain biological functions and attributes. The Centers are either defined (colored) or undefined (white), which can significantly influence our behavior and decision-making process. Defined and Undefined Centers A defined Center is consistent and reliable in its function. It's something that operates in


Hev in Human Design

The Four Types in Human Design

One of the foundational aspects of the Human Design system is the concept of Types. According to Human Design, every individual falls into one of four distinct Types: Manifestors, Generators (including Manifesting Generators), Projectors, and Reflectors. These Types provide a broad overview of our role in life and guide us in making decisions that align with our true selves. Manifestors Manifestors represent about 9% of the population. They are the initiators, the ones who can start ne


Hev in Human Design

Intro to Human Design: The Science of Differentiation

The human design system, a brainchild of Ra Uru Hu, was birthed in 1987 following a mystical experience. Through his encounter with a "Voice", Ra received detailed information about the mechanics of the universe and human existence, which he later shared with the world as Human Design. Human Design is an intricate system of self-understanding that marries the wisdom of ancient traditions with contemporary scientific knowledge. It combines elements of Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu-


Hev in Human Design

Line 6: The Role Model

The 6th line is the final line in our profiles, and this is the line of The Role Model.  The 6th line is known as a mutative profile as it goes through three phases in their life. The first 30 (ish) years, from their birth to Saturn Return, which can be anywhere from 28-30, this line acts as a 3rd line.  So if you have a 6th line anywhere in your profile, for the first 30 years of your life you acted as a 3rd line.  These profiles are 6/2, 6/3, 4/6, and 3/6.  This can be especially challenging i


Hev in Human Design

Line 5: The Heretic

The 5th line is known as the Heretic, the one who delivers practical, universal truth, and it’s often viewed by others as the savior; it’s all about leadership and guiding others with practical wisdom. It’s a projected line which means people often project their problems on this line expecting them to save the day. And really, it’s something they’re here to do, but only if they accept the projection and know they can live up to it. A 5th line has the experience of projections coming in all


Hev in Human Design

Line 4: The Opportunist

The 4th line is known as the Opportunist and this line is all about networking! If you have a 4th line in your life, you know they have probably never met a stranger in their life.  They probably know all sorts of people and have no problem making friends!  The 4th line is all about being a friend or a lover but most likely it won’t be both at the same time, it’s confidant or not.  The 4th line will either be your friend or your lover.  This is its struggle, the 4th line will also not leave


Hev in Human Design

Line 3: The Martyr

The third line is known as the martyr. Someone with a 3 in their profile is here to experiment and experience life. It’s not good enough to just tell them information, they need to trial and error everything in order to know if it’s something that will work or not. If you know someone with a third line, or are a third line yourself, you know this is a deeply resilient profile, going through experiences that would break the average bear only to come out on the other side to say, “Oh yeah, you sho


Hev in Human Design

Line 2: The Hermit

The second line is known as the Hermit. Someone with this line in their profile is a natural genius at whatever they’re into, and often, they couldn’t really tell you how they’re so good at what they do, it just comes to them. The most important thing for them is to be able to Hermit, be alone, to master their crafts without much interruption, if any at all. The second line will naturally be called out by those around them to share their talents.  So, although they may want to Hermit and do thei


Hev in Human Design

Line 1: The Investigator

In Human Design, our profiles (that fraction number that you see, ⅓, ¼ etc.) tells us a lot about who we are. These numbers are all about the archetypes of our personality and what we are here to do in this life.  The profile is taken from the line quality of your Conscious Sun & Earth Gates (right side of the Bodygraph, or Personality side, usually seen in black) and the line quality from your Unconscious Sun & Earth Gates (left side of the Bodygraph, or Design side, usually seen i


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