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What kind of teams are you on?

Add to George’s list: Innovation, inspiration, incomparable, ideal, imaginative, ideal, impassioned, inalienable, improving, industrious, influential, inquisitive, insightful... Give me a team made of individuals who have chosen to work together and we can do anything. But a team made of people compelled to contribute? Eff that kind of team. Is it even a team if you are required to join it? Should a team ask for support or can a team require your support? What kind of teams do you

Being the change we want to occur

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ThomasSowellQuote/posts/pfbid02rzv8vMvQqGZKcnVbg2eb7ECz6ctEeCbabMwJLNNFFLZU7m9PQHo5gNda6VF2EdAPl This meme is not about politics. At least not directly.  At least in this moment, try not to look at it that way. This meme can help you see why change in the world requires looking inside and not out.  If you think about it, your own responsibilities and society's responsibilities are often in conflict. Or are they? If they are, how did they get that way? And

Why we've come together to create LearnGrowRepeat

We’ve come together to grow beyond our conditioning and live free of the contradictions that box us in, hold us back, and make the world seem worse than it has to be. We’ve come together to share a minimal set of principles that we have in common, as a way to work together, explore, learn, grow, consider, and live to our full potential. We share some of the same basic questions The answers to these questions must be discovered and not dictated. Who am I? What are my valu
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